Someone messed up the calendar. They are showing that is is mid-April but I'm pretty sure that's not the case because I haven't updated anything on here since mid-February. Obviously they are in error. You just can't get good help these days...
Life has actually been extraordinarily busy. Spring has sprung- the grass is growing- trees are blooming- flowers are blossoming. It is most definitely my FAVORITE time of year! Easter was quiet and uneventful this year. We spent the day with friends and family and I annoyed my brother and his three chillins by snapping a few photos of them before our annual Easter dinner. I also snagged some pretty random shots from around the ol' family homestead... I'm pretty good at always taking some photos of inanimate objects. It's a gift, I guess :)

This is our family dog, Mackenzie. She is going on 15 years old but she is still happy and energetic and, of course, precious! Also, smart as a whip!
What does that saying even mean?? Moving on...

Some people (read:DM) were less than thrilled to have their picture taken. I have approximately 783,329 of photos with this same (or worse) expression located in folder after folder on my computer... I think deep down he really loves it.
My very cute nephew, H. Seriously, can you get any cuter?

My brother, J, with his daughter, C. I think this might be my favorite of the day!
Family photo! A good looking bunch, don't you think??
Here's hoping I'll post again before the 4th of July!!!!! Fingers crossed!!